Paraguay: The cannabis breadbasket of the Southern Cone
A focus on the largest cannabis producer in South America
Guillermo GaratDrug Policy Briefing Nr. 46
July 2016Paraguay is the principal producer of cannabis in South America, though nobody knows for certain how many hectares are planted with this crop, probably on account of its concealment and a prevalent climate of corruption. National authorities and international control agencies estimate an area between 6,000 and 7,000 hectares, with an annual production of 16,500 tonnes. At present, according to estimates of the Paraguayan National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Secretaría Nacional Anti Drogas - SENAD), some 20,000 farmers are involved in cannabis cultivation, boosting the microeconomy of the north-eastern region of the country.
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UNGASS 2016: A Broken or B-r-o-a-d Consensus?
UN summit cannot hide a growing divergence in the global drug policy landscape
Dave Bewley-Taylor Martin JelsmaDrug Policy Briefing Nr 45
July 2016A special session of the General Assembly took place in April revealing a growing divergence in the global drug policy landscape. Difficult negotiations resulted in a disappointing outcome document, perpetuating a siloed approach to drugs at the UN level. There is a clear need to realign international drug policies with the overarching 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, embedding the drugs issue comprehensively within the UN’s three pillars: development, human rights, and peace and security. The UNGASS process has helped to set the stage for more substantial changes in the near future, towards the next UN review in 2019.
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Cannabis Regulation and the UN Drug Treaties
Strategies for Reform
June 2016As jurisdictions enact reforms creating legal access to cannabis for purposes other than exclusively “medical and scientific,” tensions surrounding the existing UN drug treaties and evolving law and practice in Member States continue to grow. These treaty tensions have become the “elephant in the room” in key high-level forums, including the 2016 United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs — obviously present, but studiously ignored.
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Cannabis in Indonesia
Patterns in consumption, production, and policies
Dania Putri & Tom BlickmanDrug Policy Briefing Nr. 44
January 2016Cannabis use has never posed major problems in Indonesia, yet prohibitionist policies prevail. Despite the high prevalence of cannabis use, local or national discussions on cannabis policies are nearly non-existent, exacerbated by strong anti-drug views and public institutions' failure to design and implement comprehensive policies based on evidence. Because of the current anti-narcotics law – discussed in detail in this briefing – there have been many obstacles to research on cannabis, both in terms of medical and anthropological research.
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Ayahuasca: From the Amazon to the Global Village
An analysis of the challenges associated with the globalisation of ayahuasca
Constanza Sánchez & José Carlos BousoDrug Policy Briefing Nr. 43
December 2015Indigenous peoples in the Amazon have used ayahuasca for centuries as a remedy for physical and psychological health, and to ensure the life and wellbeing of their communities. In the past two decades, the use of this decoction has expanded beyond Amazon indigenous spheres. Globalisation, and with it the contact between populations, has facilitated cultural exchange between indigenous traditions and Western practices, which has led to a growing interest in the ritual, religious and therapeutic use of ayahuasca.
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Current State of Counternarcotics Policy and Policy Reform Debates in Myanmar
Tom KramerBrookings Institute
April 2015This paper explores the current state of counternarcotics policy and policy reform debates in Myanmar. It analyzes the main trends in drug production, trafficking, and consumption, and assesses the key harms and threats these pose to the country. The paper will provide an overview of Myanmar’s current drug policies and related legislative framework, and assess whether these are effective in addressing the drug-related problems in the country.
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UNGASS 2016: Prospects for Treaty Reform and UN System-Wide Coherence on Drug Policy
Martin JelsmaBrookings Institute
April 2015This paper explores key lessons from the 1990 Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Drug Abuse (UNGASS 1990) and the 1998 Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS 1998), and tracks subsequent policy events and trends. It discusses the wide array of increasing tensions and cracks in the "Vienna consensus," as well as systemic challenges and recent treaty breaches. Various options for treaty reform are explored.
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Urban drug markets and zones of impunity in Colombia
The assumptions and the facts behind the retail drug trade and the responses to it
Isaac De León Beltrán and Juan Carlos GarzónBriefing Series on Drug Markets and Violence Nr 2
December 2014The retail drug trade has been identified by the authorities as a strategic priority, under the hypothesis that it is one of the main triggers of violence and crime, as well as a response by the criminal organisations to their loss of influence in global markets. How valid is this argument? The aim of this briefing is to put to the test the starting points and assumptions underlying the definition of this ‘new’ threat, and provide an overview of local drug markets and their relationship with violence and crime in Colombia’s cities.
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Cannabis policy reform in Europe
Bottom up rather than top down
Tom BlickmanSeries on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies No. 28
December 2014While in the Americas cannabis policy reform is taking off, Europe seems to be lagging behind. That is to say, in European nations at the level of national governments – where denial of the changing policy landscape and inertia to act upon calls for change reigns. At the local level, however, disenchantment with the current cannabis regime gives rise to new ideas. In several countries in Europe, local and regional authorities are looking at regulation, either pressured by grassroots movements – in particular the Cannabis Social Clubs (CSCs) – or due to the involvement of criminal groups and public disorder.
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Reform der Cannabispolitik in Europa
Eher Bottom-up als Top-down
Tom BlickmanReihe Gesetzesreformen im Bereich der Drogenpolitik Nr. 28
Dezember 2014Während die Reform der Cannabispolitik in Amerika Fahrt aufnimmt, scheint Europa hinterherzuhinken. Genauer gesagt, die europäischen Staaten auf nationaler Regierungsebene, wo die Leugnung der Veränderungen in der politischen Landschaft und die Trägheit bei der Reaktion auf Forderungen nach einem Wandel noch immer vorherrschen. Auf lokaler Ebene hingegen führt die Ernüchterung hinsichtlich der aktuellen Cannabispolitik zur Entstehung neuer Ideen. In verschiedenen europäischen Ländern prüfen lokale und regionale Behörden eine Regulierung, entweder unter dem Druck von Basisbewegungen – vor allem den Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) – oder wegen der Verstrickung krimineller Gruppen und zur Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Ordnung.
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Drugs in the News
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05.01.2024 - Barcelona city council threatens to shut down cannabis social clubs
04.01.2024 - Swiss capital Bern considers legal cocaine project
20.12.2023 - High time: after five years, Dutch start legal cannabis trial
More weblogHilites
Balancing Treaty Stability and ChangeInter se modification of the UN drug control conventions to facilitate cannabis regulation
Connecting the dots...
Human rights, illicit cultivation and alternative development
Morocco and Cannabis
The Rise and Decline of Cannabis Prohibition
The History of Cannabis in the UN Drug Control System and Options For Reform