• En la hora de la legalización de las drogas

    Jorge Javier Romero
    El Universal (México)
    Miércoles 4 de agosto de 2010

    El discurso del presidente Calderón el 3 de agosto es de una importancia histórica. Por primera vez un jefe de Estado en funciones en México había aceptado que la legalización de las drogas es una posibilidad para enfrentar de mejor manera al crimen organizado. Es la hora de que México y Colombia planteen en los foros internacionales un cambio internacional en la política de drogas ...

  • Mexico looks to legalisation as drug war murders hit 28,000

    President joins calls for debate after figures reveal extent of violence since launch of military offensive against cartels in 2006
    The Guardian (UK)
    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Mexico's president, Felipe Calderón, has joined calls for a debate on the legalisation of drugs as new figures show thousands of Mexicans every year being slaughtered in cartel wars. "It is a fundamental debate," the president said, belying his traditional reluctance to accept any questioning of the military-focused offensive against the country's drug cartels. "You have to analyse carefully the pros and cons and key arguments on both sides." The president said he personally opposes the idea of legalisation.

  • FCH: Que se debata legalizar las drogas

    Calderón comentó la legalización de los estupefacientes aumentaría su consumo, principalmente entre los jóvenes y adolescentes, y podría generarse una idea de que es socialmente aceptable el consumo de esas sustancias
    Jorge Ramos
    El Universal
    Miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

    El presidente Felipe Calderón aceptó el debate sobre la legalización de las drogas en el país. El lunes, Eduardo Gallo, presidente de México Unido Contra la Delincuencia, planteó al mandatario la legalización de las drogas como un plan B ante el fracaso del plan A en curso. María Elena Morera, presidenta de Causa Común, lo secundó; ayer, el escritor Héctor Aguilar Camín terció a favor, mientras que la académica Ana Laura Magaloni preguntó: “¿Qué vamos a hacer [si la legalización avanza en California?]”

  • Obama Signs Drug Parity Law

    Peter Baker
    The New York Times
    August 4, 2010

    President Obama signed legislation on Tuesday reducing sentencing disparities between those caught with crack and those arrested with powder cocaine. The legislation was a compromise reached by Democrats and Republicans who agreed that the old law imposed unduly harsh sentences for crack violations, which especially affected minorities, compared with powder cocaine violations. Under the old law, a person caught with five grams of crack received a mandatory five years in prison, while a person caught with powder cocaine had to have 500 grams to merit the same term. The new law reduces the 100-to-1 disparity to 18-to-1.

  • Towards the Second Latin American Conference on Drug Policy

    intercambios-logoLatin America is trembling. The recent set of discussions and proposals about alternatives to drug users´ penalization just went one step further with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Argentina. The Court acquitted a “mule” who was sentenced after he was denounced while seeking medical attention. The new strategy adopted at the 47th session of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) was the second positive sign in this area, as the OAS explicitly pronounced in favour of respecting human rights in the policies of the region.

  • Insistir en el enfoque represivo en la lucha contra el narco, inefectivo

    Experto propone
    Carolina Gómez Mena
    La Jornada (México)
    1 de agosto, 2010

    Mientras la estrategia para combatir el narcotráfico se centre en las acciones bélicas, la guerra en contra de este ilícito continuará por décadas sin que haya avance significativo.

  • At 10, Portugal's Drug Law Draws New Scrutiny

    The Wall Street Journal (US)
    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    methadon-portugalPortugal's move to decriminalize illicit substances—Europe's most liberal drug legislation—turns 10 years old this month amid new scrutiny and plaudits. Portugal's decriminalization regime has caught the eye of regulators in Europe and beyond since it was implemented in 2001. Proponents credit the program for stanching one of Europe's worst drug epidemics. Approaching a decade in force, it is providing a real-world model of one way to address an issue that is a social and economic drag on countries world-wide.

  • Banks financing Mexico gangs admitted in Wells Fargo deal

    Bloomberg (US)
    Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    Wachovia made a habit of helping move money for Mexican drug smugglers. Wells Fargo & Co., which bought Wachovia in 2008, has admitted that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering by narcotics traffickers – including cash used to buy four planes that shipped a total of 22 tons of cocaine. The admission came in an agreement that Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico. (See also: Wachovia's Drug Habit)

  • New UN drugs tsar must be a leader on human rights

    China's likely execution of drug dealers this week should inspire UN to choose a drugs tsar who will avoid complicity in abuses
    Damon Barrett
    The Guardian (UK)
    Thursday, June 24, 2010

    Recently, the UNODC has begun to take notice of the impact of its counternarcotics work on human rights. Antonio Maria Costa, the current executive director, has set out a series of recommendations for internal reform intended to improve the agency's human rights performance. This leadership on human rights is very welcome, and much needed, but it may already be under threat. Costa leaves his post at the end of July. Unfortunately, the current frontrunner for the role of UN drug tsar is the candidate being pushed by the Russian government.

  • El nuevo paradigma sobre las drogas

    Página 12 - Buenos Aires
    17 de junio, 2010

    Rodeada de expertos, colegas y políticos, ayer la fiscal Mónica Cuñarro, encargada de la comisión gubernamental que impulsa la reforma de las políticas de drogas, presentó el libro La política criminal de la droga, elaborado por varios asesores de la comisión. Dijo, entre otras cosas, que en esta obra lograron establecer un mapa criminal “que mostrará cómo es el fenómeno del comercio, distribución, almacenamiento y tráfico de drogas” y que ya fue entregada una copia al procurador general de la Nación, Esteban Righi.


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