Items tagged with heroin assisted treatment and germany

Item title Description
Harm reduction is the right way to treat drug abuse [24.11.2018] Portugal’s policies are based on “harm reduction” approaches pioneered in countries such as Switzerland in the 1980s. The idea is to emphasise treatm ...
Drug users should be able to get heroin from the health system [13.04.2015] No fewer than six randomised controlled trials – in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Canada, and England – concluded that heroin assiste ...
Ortsbeiräte fordern legale Verkaufsstellen [29.04.2014] Vor zehn Jahren startete in Frankfurt der Modellversuch, Heroin an schwerkranke Junkies abzugeben. Nun diskutieren Stadtparlamentarier über die Verte ...
New heroin-assisted treatment [31.03.2012] The prescription of substitution drugs, such as methadone and buprenorphine, has become a mainstream, first-line treatment for opioid dependence, wit ...